Testnet Guide v1

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Visit testnet.blastway.io and connect your wallet to the website. This is your first step into accessing the testnet.

  1. Gas-Faucet: Click on "Gas-Faucet" on the website. Then, navigate to the "Gas-Faucet" channel on our Discord server and paste your wallet address. You'll receive 0.01 ETH in your wallet shortly after.

  1. Token Faucet: Click on "Token Faucet" on the website. On the page that appears, click on "claim your test tokens" and approve the transaction to receive your test tokens.

  1. Supply Liquidity: Navigate to the supply section, enter the amount you wish to supply, and click "approve" to authorize the transaction. It's recommended to select "max" for the amount and approve to maximize your participation.

  1. Use Collateral: Click on "use collateral" and approve the transaction. Then, proceed to supply and give wallet approval to complete the process.

  1. Borrow: Go to the borrow section, specify the amount you wish to borrow, click "borrow," and approve the transaction in your wallet.

  1. Repay: When you're ready to repay, click "repay," enter the full amount you've borrowed, approve the transaction, and then click "repay" again for wallet approval. After repaying, click "withdraw" to retrieve your supplied assets.

  1. Withdraw: Once you want to withdraw your funds, click "withdraw," enter the full amount you want to withdraw, approve the transaction.

Thank you for participating in the Blastway Alpha Testnet. We're excited to have you on board and look forward to your feedback to improve our platform!

Last updated